Strategy& Insider

Strategy& Insider

Exploring future trends and their impacts

Strategy& Insider Episode 1 - Fighting cancer with technology

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In the first episode, Thomas meets with Chief Oncologist at Universitätsspital Baselland, Dr. Andreas Wicki. Tune in to learn about how data analytics will help medicine move from curing diseases to preventing them and who will win the race around steering the future of health.


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About this podcast

The Strategy& Insider podcast aims to explore some of the most critical future trends and their impacts. Strategy& talks to industry experts and leading practitioners from different sectors. The conversations will make you more familiar with key developments by providing you with insights that really matter.

The first season will tackle some of the most fundamental questions in the healthcare industry. While technology has quickly transformed how we shop, bank, and travel, it yet has to impact on how we receive healthcare. The adoption of digitally enabled tools for diagnostics, treatment, and management, for example, has been rather modest - especially compared to what is already possible.

Together with experts across all sectors including pharma executives, leading academics and practitioners at hospitals we will discuss how the healthcare industry is expected to change.

by Thomas Solbach, Ghioia Irritier, Jan-Philipp Loch


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